I love procrastination. I love the feeling of adrenalin rush and pressure of last minutes, of buzzer beaters especially when there’s something that needs to be done. I never know when exactly procrastination enters my system, my routine and my life. I can only guess that it began when I was still in High School doing piles and piles of assignments, projects and papers all in one sitting. I was then motivated by the idea of finishing school stuff before the sun shines. (I usually do them during wee hours) Since I always get good grades despite it being a product of last-minute panics, I thought procrastination is healthy even good.
I carried this practice in College and eventually at work. *sighs.* My mentality is when I am pressured the more my ideas come out unlike if I do it ahead of time, I couldn’t write stuff that I really want to say. The thought of impending deadline motivates me to push my mind to think hard and deep. But somehow, it doesn’t buy me time to double check and even edit what I wrote. Tsk tsk
I’m not sure if there are advantages of procrastinating or why people procrastinate in the first place. The only thing I know is its downsides like for instance it compromises the quality of whatever you’re doing be it work or school-related things. You are prone in committing more errors as you panic to finish something before the deadline.
I am aware that procrastination is not good but I can’t really help procrastinate. I know I should be bothered by it but I’m not (so why the heck I’m blogging this?) Actually, what bothers me is lately, I also procrastinate what I feel. Like for example there’s a time when I really want to cry but then again I told myself, I’ll cry later since I have something to do. Sighs
Other news:
Just yesterday, I got my own Starbucks planner for 2008. I was thrilled to finally own one. Never really thought I could have one considering that I’m not a Starbucks addict and I don’t have the money to complete the 24 stickers until the deadline, which is initially Jan 15. Luckily, the deadline was moved to Feb 15.
This planner is special because it’s a labor of love and a symbol of teamwork. LOL. I couldn’t have completed the required number of stickers if not for my colleagues at work: Jerz, Mayee, Macky, Jake, Tin and JM. They’re the ones who made it possible as they donate stickers just to help me. Actually, out of 24, I only contributed 4 or 5 stickers. Hehehe.. Thanks guys!!
Now that I have a planner, I’m going to record day to day memories there. I’m not really going to put my plans there because I don’t have any plan at all especially with my life. (another problem which I have yet to address). Hopefully, those pages will be filled with nothing but good memories.